What is Sources of Strength?
Sources of Strength is a peer leadership program where peer leaders and adult advisors are trained to design and share Hope, Help, and Strength-based messages with other youth in the community. The program aims to prevent suicide, bullying, and substance use by promoting help seeking behaviors and developing relationships with trusted adults.
2020-2021 Campaigns
What Helps Me
Sources of Strength Peer Leaders chose What Helps Me as the theme for the 2020-2021 campaign. What Helps Me encourages our community to share what coping mechanisms bring us strength to get through hard times. Our Peer Leaders and Adult Advisors agreed that pets have been a huge support to us during COVID-19. Check out our “Pawsitive Friends” collage spotlighting our pets below!
Peer Leaders, Hashini and Jasmine, shared their story of connection and strength that helped them persevere during COVID-19. You can watch them in action in the clip below!
Thankfulness Challenge
Did you know that studies have shown practicing gratitude can change the physical makeup of our brains, making us more positive and content?
This November, we challenge you to write down 3 things you are thankful for everyday for 21 days. Join us in participating in #ThankfulThursday to spread messages of gratitude on social media.
2019-2020 Campaign
I Am Stronger
Over the course of the 2019-2020 school year, Peer Leaders & Adult Advisors implemented a social media campaign called I Am Stronger. This campaign allowed participants & Howard County residents to become familiar with Sources of Strength & to see how others use their strengths!
Follow us on social media to see what students are doing in the community!